Iles Formula Hair Talk with Australian Craig Rhodes August 1, 2017 Iles Formula is pleased to introduce Craig Rhodes, exceptional hairdresser and owner of A Flick Of Hares This interview took place prior...
ILES FORMULA HAIR MASKIles Formula's latest addition is now available via Morph Haircare to Australia & New Zealand salons! "The Iles Formula haute performance...
VOGUE BEAUTY - HAIR TRUTHSVogue Australia's article on the science of hair washing features some great advice from Wendy Iles on the best way to use silicone-free...
VOGUE LIVING TRAVEL PICKSThanks Vogue Living for featuring Iles Formula Discovery Pack in your travel picks for this month's 50th Anniversary edition! It's the...
'WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO YOUR HAIR LAST SUMMER'Gritty Pretty has all the advice you need for hair recovery after summer! Full article here. SaveSaveSave #GrittyPretty #WendyIles...